2011年3月18日 星期五

Try eGalax USB Touch for tslib

There are three kernel modules support USB eGalax Touch device
1. inbult usbhid module for HID touch device
2. Inbult usbtouchscreen module for non-HID touch device
3. eGalax Touch tkusb module for both HID and non-HID touch devices

Item 3 is not in consideration list for inbuilt modules in kernel being more convenient. Usbhid and usbtouchscreen conflict and I use usbhid finally.
As for the application interface, there are X11 and tslib. X11 is too big and often is used on desktop. tslib is a thin software interface and ready for Qt. I decide to focus on tslib.

Step 1. Root File System with tslib
Make sure tslib in buildroot has been checked. Find the eGalax plugin patch from
I modify and combined to 4 patches.
tslib-1.0-A1_svn_updates-r50-r78.patch, tslib-1.0-Z4_egalax.patch, tslib-1.0-no-cxx.patch, tslib_add_finddef_and_inputattach_utils.patch
Notice that patches are used by alphabetic sequence.

Step 2. Linux Kernel with usbhid
Follow the menuconfig on kernel,
(Notice that USB Touch Driver has to be unchecked.)
$ Make menuconfig
Device Drivers --->
Input device support --->
<*> Event interface
// [*]Touchscreens --->
// <*>USB Touch Driver
HID Devices  <---(Handy: Try All to Yes)
[*] /dev/hidraw raw HID device support
[*] /dev/hiddev raw HID device support

Step 3. test tslib
Make sure /dev/input/event0, /dev/hidraw0 is there.

Test by
# export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0
# export TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/dev/fb0

# vi /etc/ts.conf
module_raw input
module_raw galax

# ts_calibrate
# ts_test

Step 4. Qt with qt-mouse-tslib

$ ./configure -embedded arm -xplatform qws/linux-arm-g++ -qt-mouse-tslib
$ make
//deploy to Target
# export QWS_MOUSE_PROTO=Tslib:/dev/input/event0
# cd /usr/lib/
# ln -s libts-1.0.so.0.0.0 libts-0.0.so.0
//Test qt application with touch

