This is one of those "rock and a hard place" type things, isn't it?
Between a rock and a hard place, a dilemma, more specifically a Morton's fork; a situation offering at least two possibilities, neither of which is acceptable
2012年6月29日 星期五
2012年6月25日 星期一
[God]Staying On Track
Charles Stanley(
2012-04-29 GoodTV
Staying On Track
1. 默想神的話
Meditating words of god.
2. 順服神, 並將一切結果交託給祂
Obey God and leave all the consequences to him.
3. 在各樣景況下順服神
Trust God in every circumstance.
4. 等候神的帶領
Wait upon the Lord for his direction.
5. 倚靠聖靈
Depend upon the holy spirit.
6. 神愛你是毫無條件
Remember God loves you unconditionally.
7. 慷慨給神
Giving to God generously.
8. 向你保證神完全掌管你的人生
Rest in the assurance that God is in absolute control of your life.
9. 定睛於終點站
Keep your eyes on your destination.
2012-04-29 GoodTV
Staying On Track
1. 默想神的話
Meditating words of god.
2. 順服神, 並將一切結果交託給祂
Obey God and leave all the consequences to him.
3. 在各樣景況下順服神
Trust God in every circumstance.
4. 等候神的帶領
Wait upon the Lord for his direction.
5. 倚靠聖靈
Depend upon the holy spirit.
6. 神愛你是毫無條件
Remember God loves you unconditionally.
7. 慷慨給神
Giving to God generously.
8. 向你保證神完全掌管你的人生
Rest in the assurance that God is in absolute control of your life.
9. 定睛於終點站
Keep your eyes on your destination.
[English]cannot ~ too ~ (再怎麼...也不為過)
地球村文法(綠) P.47
One cannot put too much emphasis on one's health.
彭蒙惠英語 2012 JUNE P.35
... for whom open spaces can't be too wide.
One cannot put too much emphasis on one's health.
彭蒙惠英語 2012 JUNE P.35
... for whom open spaces can't be too wide.
[English]Bite the proverbial bullet
電影 加勒比海盜4
- Or you can just bite the proverbial bullet , as it were .proverbial [prəˈvɜːbiəl; NAmE -ˈvɜːrb-] adj. 谚语的,谚语式的,众所周知的;那东西,那玩意儿
- 喻指咬紧牙关 忍受苦难的现实
2012年6月24日 星期日
[English]apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher
[NIV]Ephesians 4:11
So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and the teachers,
[CNV/新譯本]以弗所書 4:11
他所賜的, 有作使徒的, 有作先知的, 有作傳福音的, 也有作牧養和教導的,
[CUNP/和合本]以弗所書 4:11
他所賜的, 有使徒, 有先知, 有傳福音的, 有牧師和教師,
福音传教士;巡回布道者 An evangelist is a person who travels from place to place in order to try to convert people to Christianity.
(某些新教教会的)牧师 A pastor is a member of the Christian clergy in some Protestant churches.
牧师;传道士 A preacher is a person, usually a member of the clergy, who preaches sermons as part of a church service.
教师;老师;教员 A teacher is a person who teaches, usually as a job at a school or similar institution.
[NIV]Ephesians 4:11
So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and the teachers,
[CNV/新譯本]以弗所書 4:11
他所賜的, 有作使徒的, 有作先知的, 有作傳福音的, 也有作牧養和教導的,
[CUNP/和合本]以弗所書 4:11
他所賜的, 有使徒, 有先知, 有傳福音的, 有牧師和教師,
(耶稣基督的)门徒,使徒 The apostles were the followers of Jesus Christ who went from place to place telling people about him and trying to persuade them to become Christians.
先知 A prophet is a person who is believed to be chosen by God to say the things that God wants to tell people.
福音传教士;巡回布道者 An evangelist is a person who travels from place to place in order to try to convert people to Christianity.
(某些新教教会的)牧师 A pastor is a member of the Christian clergy in some Protestant churches.
牧师;传道士 A preacher is a person, usually a member of the clergy, who preaches sermons as part of a church service.
教师;老师;教员 A teacher is a person who teaches, usually as a job at a school or similar institution.
2012年6月19日 星期二
[English]wind-winded vs wind-wound
查遍線上各大字典(或許還有遺漏), 始終沒有滿意的講法, 回去查N年前的文馨辭典, 解說很清楚, Longman感覺比Oxford要清楚,但不知為何沒標音標
和"風"有關的(動詞名詞都有), 就是wind /wɪnd/ winded winded
和"風"有關的(動詞名詞都有), 就是wind /wɪnd/ winded winded
和"彎曲纏繞"有關的(動詞名詞都有), 就是wind /waɪnd/ wound /waʊnd/ wound /waʊnd/
如果是吹(樂器), 吹(信號), 吹出(聲音)則以上兩種發音及時態都可以用
還有在詩裡, 風的名詞也會念成/waɪnd/
2012年6月8日 星期五
[English] Recently and Lately
2012/06/08 from StudioClassroom Magazine
A lot of people in our class have been drinking them recently.
Here we can modify to
A lot of people in our class have been drinking them lately.
When we talk about a single action or event, we should use "recently".
Donna was in the library recently.
"Lately" is used with continuous actions.
Donna has been coming to the library a lot lately.
Recently can referred to a single event or continuous event in a near past.
I haven't seen Donna recently.
I haven't seen Donna lately.
When you talk about a single event that happened in a near past, you can only use recently.
A lot of people in our class have been drinking them recently.
Here we can modify to
A lot of people in our class have been drinking them lately.
When we talk about a single action or event, we should use "recently".
Donna was in the library recently.
"Lately" is used with continuous actions.
Donna has been coming to the library a lot lately.
Recently can referred to a single event or continuous event in a near past.
I haven't seen Donna recently.
I haven't seen Donna lately.
When you talk about a single event that happened in a near past, you can only use recently.
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