2010年8月31日 星期二

這年, 頭都變了

RD比的不是技術能力, 而是出差能力.

RD比的不是工作效率, 而是工作時數.

2010年8月19日 星期四


要看一個系統設計是不是有軟體工程的概念在裡面, 從驗證或測試項目就可以看出來, 如果直接是從Functional Spec直接mapping的, 大概就有問題了, 不是不能這樣做, 而是這樣的結果是系統沒有經過分析, 跳過分析的階段土法煉鋼直接coding, 特別是我近幾年來接觸的是以機構傳動流程為主的電子產品,結果韌體的驗證項目展開來和機構流程驗證沒什麼兩樣, 我已經可以預見這樣的韌體系統未來的樣子, 重申一次, 不是不行, 會比較辛苦, 或許是特意這麼做, 理由就各自表述了

但是很玄的是, 大家都會講軟體工程很重要, 但用出來卻是各式各樣, 五花八門, 這其實和企業經營很類似,很多專家整理成功企業的成功法則, 也分析出失敗企業的失敗原因, 但若真的是這樣, 全世界的企業都應該是成功企業了, 事實卻不然, 這種處理事情的方法和概念, 是個人在經過學習後發展來的特質, 沒有依樣畫葫蘆就會成功這回事

和觀念不同的團隊共事, 真的是急死人, 學習放鬆和冷眼旁觀是唯一還能一起cowork的方法, 但更重要的是, 不要被同化了

2010年8月18日 星期三

Good Books on Qt

I currently evaluating Qt and want to make a quick start on this package. I recommend books are

1. Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt 4(2008)
Good to review C++ conecpts in a short time.
Evaluated version is different with the book published on 2006. Ebook can be downloaded here

2.  C++ GUI Programming with Qt4(2nd ed. 2008)
Good step by step exercises to be familiar with Qt.

3. Advanced Qt Programming(2010)
Updated reference and advanced topics.

2010年8月11日 星期三

Good Words in House

~House S06E10
Foreman argued about his salary and  Cuddy replied a good answer(I think)

"Salary isn't about fairness.
It's about what you can leverage in negotiation.
Which isn't much without a competing offer on the table."

2010年8月9日 星期一

Qt on Embedded Arm Linux

比想像中容易,follow the instruction



Handy: 一開始,Toolchain的路徑當然要指向cross-compile
//in qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.3
$ ./configure -embedded arm -xplatform qws/linux-arm-g++
$ make
$ file lib/libQtCore.so.4.6.3
libQtCore.so.4.6.3: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped
Handy: built lib資訊顯示是Arm的就對了

Handy: 接下來是在target run sample
$ cd demos/embedded/fluidlauncher
$ ./fluidlauncher -qws
$ cd demos/affine
$ ./affine -qws
//precondition for the demo above
$ ln -s $PWD/lib/libQtGui.so.4.6.3 /lib/libQtGui.so.4
$ ln -s $PWD/lib/libQtNetwork.so.4.6.3 /lib/libQtNetwork.so.4
$ ln -s $PWD/lib/libQtCore.so.4.6.3 /lib/libQtCore.so.4
$ mkdir /usr/local/Trolltech/QtEmbedded-4.6.3-arm/lib
$ ln -s $PWD/lib/fonts /usr/local/Trolltech/QtEmbedded-4.6.3-arm/lib/fonts
Handy: 其實只要copy需要的library和fonts就夠了

1. X86上面的ARM模擬環境
2. ARM上面framebuffer的加速, library size的縮小

2010年8月6日 星期五



至於不信任主管或同事的主因,前三名分別為「認為人都是自私自利的,只能相信自己」占43%、「曾在工作上被出賣過」 (22%),以及「看過主管或同事為求表現不擇手段」 (20%)。

2010年8月3日 星期二

心得for Make Right Connections by Osteen

人脈廣還不如一個貴人有效, 上帝安排了你的貴人也安排你成為別人的貴人, 即使貴人還沒出現, 但仍不要忘了上帝為我們安排的旨意裡, 也包括要成為別人的貴人


Make Right Connections


"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother"
(Proverbs 18:24, NIV).

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria

Do you know how important it is to be connected to the right people? Your destiny is too big to accomplish on your own. But God has already arranged for certain people to speak faith into you. He has already placed in your path people who will inspire you, challenge you and help you accomplish your dreams. But the reason some people never reach their highest potential is because they never get away from the wrong people.
Recognize today that not everyone can go where God is taking you. You've got to connect with people who understand your destiny and can call forth your seeds of greatness. You don't have time to spend on people who are always pushing you down, telling you what you can't do, or never giving you their approval no matter how hard you try. Friend, life is too short to drag people along. If you will get the wrong people out of your life, then God will bring in the right people so you can fulfill the destiny He has in store for you.


Father in heaven, thank You for placing the right people in my life. Help me to discern the right connections You have for me. Give me strength to release the wrong relationships so I have room in my life for the people You have chosen to connect with me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
- Joel & Victoria Osteen

Rebuild directFB demo

Rebuild directFB demo
Host: Ubuntu 904, GCC by SourceryG++Lite 2008Q3

qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -m 16 -kernel zImage


1. As compiling kernel linux-2.6.20, get the error..
scripts/mod/sumversion.c:384: error: ‘PATH_MAX’ undeclared
Reference kernel linux-2.6.28, add following
#include <limits.h>

2. gawk: command not found
sudo apt-get install gawk

Don't throw the baby out with the bathed water

    Don't throw the baby out with the bathed water.When you get rid of something useless, be careful, because maybe something valuable is there. I am eager to realize and deep down my profession. When I found this company cannot give me the opportunity to fulfill, I feel frustrated and thinking to leave. But that's right, there are something valuable I can do here. If I don't care the people and organization, I can keep my own pace moving and prepare myself. Be prepared and waiting for the opportunity. Anything can not be done more effecient than others, don't do it. That's not your dish.

    If you are throwing worthless things away, and there are something valuable combined on it. You have to give up all or nothing. Separate them is not possible, but you can still find a way to use the good and then drop them all.

認識自己, 積極準備, 堅持理想, 抓準時機