2012年6月24日 星期日

[English]apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher

[NIV]Ephesians 4:11
So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and the teachers,
[CNV/新譯本]以弗所書  4:11
他所賜的, 有作使徒的, 有作先知的, 有作傳福音的, 也有作牧養教導的,
[CUNP/和合本]以弗所書  4:11
他所賜的, 有使徒, 有先知, 有傳福音的, 有牧師教師,

(耶稣基督的)门徒,使徒 The apostles were the followers of Jesus Christ who went from place to place telling people about him and trying to persuade them to become Christians.
先知 A prophet is a person who is believed to be chosen by God to say the things that God wants to tell people.  
福音传教士;巡回布道者 An evangelist is a person who travels from place to place in order to try to convert people to Christianity.
(某些新教教会的)牧师 A pastor is a member of the Christian clergy in some Protestant churches. 
牧师;传道士 A preacher is a person, usually a member of the clergy, who preaches sermons as part of a church service. 
教师;老师;教员 A teacher is a person who teaches, usually as a job at a school or similar institution. 

